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Wednesday, January 1, 2014


About The Polished Novice

I'm not an expert at this whole beauty thing, nor have I ever claimed to be. However, I have been able to put up a good enough front to the point where I've become the go-to beauty guru amongst my friends and, slowly, the online beauty community (I'm realizing). So, while some may look at my career thus far and call me a novice, I'm polished just enough to get the job done.

About The Author

Jordan [jawr-dn]
  1. College graduate.
  2. Beauty and lifestyle blogger.
  3. A young woman with big dreams and high aspirations who hasn't been given a spirit of fear. 
Jordan Cathleen is an ambitious twenty-something with a head full of ideas and a bag full of cosmetics. 

1993; < Hebrew, English

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