If you haven't noticed, I've been a bit M.I.A. The reason behind that is I've been grappling with the thought of a pretty major rebrand. While many bloggers often blog through that process, I haven't been able to work well. Creatively, it feels as if my mind is in two different places and I know that I'll need to take a little time to sort a few things out. I really appreciate all of you and I hope you can bear with me. I'll do my best to give you a few beauty tips here and there to keep you looking your best in the meantime.
If you haven't noticed, I've been a bit M.I.A. The reason behind that is I've been grappling with the thought of a pretty major rebrand. While many bloggers often blog through that process, I haven't been able to work well. Creatively, it feels as if my mind is in two different places and I know that I'll need to take a little time to sort a few things out. I really appreciate all of you and I hope you can bear with me. I'll do my best to give you a few beauty tips here and there to keep you looking your best in the meantime.