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Monday, July 14, 2014

Best, Finds | No. 5

Not that I've been very consistent with this, but when I originally started this series, my intention was to post every Saturday. However, I've come to realize I don't like posting on the weekends...and I often forget to schedule Best, Finds ahead of time. Despite my shortcomings, I've also realized that I thoroughly enjoy posting on Mondays. There's something about starting off a new work week with a blog post that makes it more bearable. I mean after all, while it is work to maintain a blog, for me, it's more comforting than it is tedious. I said all that to say that Best, Finds will now be posted every Monday. A fresh list of great links to kick off the week. So, without further ado, here are the best things I've found over the past week.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

  • As a long time fan of Kelly of The Glamourai (and long time mis-speller of the blog's name), I've noticed that she always seems to style herself so effortlessly. This week, of course, was no exception as she reminds us that monochromatic palettes are truly timeless. (The Glamourai
  • I haven't shared much related to interior design, but if you follow me on Pinterest then you know how much I love it. Apparently, Thou Swell has a weakness for decor as well. The clean palette he shared recently really appealed to me and since I'll be moving soon, I need all the inspiration I can get! (Thou Swell)
  • Speaking of weaknesses, I've always had a soft spot for tie-dye and watercolor effects. I'm not exactly sure why. Knowing that, it should come as no surprise that I fell head over heels for the pieces Folk & Fest posted this week. I would wear every single one...every single day. (Folk & Fest)
  • What can I say about Karla? Um, how about she's wonderful? Another style blogger I've followed for years now, she always pushes the boundaries while somehow remaining so subdued and classy. I love it. (Karla's Closet)
  • As if I needed another reason to add things to my own wishlist, Emma Lou created one of her own that I completely need to steal items from. But don't worry Emma, I'm sure Urban Outfitters has enough to satisfy the both of us. (Emma Lou)
Hope you enjoyed and, as always, if there's a blog post, YouTube video, or anything on the web that you think was amazing this past week, share in the comments below!

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